Nutritionist Seema Singh

Need of Corporate Fitness

A healthy and thriving company starts with a well-balanced, high-performing team that is ready to take on the tasks at hand to reach your business goals winning over any kind of stress with Maintained Health Status.

Our Wellness program includes health talk by a Dietitian & Nutritionist to promote healthy diet plans which can help your executives and employees to be as healthy as possible and promote a culture of healthy living.

Benefits of Corporate Fitness

  • Reduced Absenteeism , Increased Productivity
  • Improved Employee Health and Energy Levels
  • Enhanced Creativity and Ability to Concentrate
  • Decreased Stress Levels
  • Reduced Employee Turnover
  • Combat rising healthcare costs
  • Enhanced Recruitment Potential
  • Preventable chronic diseases are prevented.

According to the CDC,

chronic diseases account for 75 percent of total healthcare costs.

We provide a range of short term and annual healthcare programs which can be customized to your organization’s needs.

Nutritionist Clinic is best known for our ‘partner’ relationships with clients.

Conducted at quarterly interval, this program entails a talk on various lifestyle diseases, which increases young executive’s awareness.

Every quarter there is a discussion on one problem and for the rest of that quarter; we provide continuous feed on various aspects related to that problem.

An annual program, this program focus on complete healthcare of your employees.

Personal health and nutrition analysis of participants.

Health Camps

Health Talks from specialist doctors

Menu planning ,Canteen management with hygiene standards implementation

Counseling with family members to ensure easy healthy diet pattern adoption

Special corporate group discounts on enrollments (group of 5 or more people).

Individuals employed with our corporate clients are given discounts on all our services as a part of our agreement

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